Guess the missing word games

We expect many creative guesses. Movie Title Fill-in-the-Blank. Time to remember back to the year , when the world didn't end and films kept rolling out. Fill in the 'B' Words. A movie called 'The Avengers' came out in , but don't watch it expecting to see Hulk smash or anything like that.

Grab some popcorn and settle in for a movie marathon like you haven't seen since the 90s! Chandler Bing Quotes. Know what movie came out in ? Know what movie isn't on this quiz?

Some of these groups have so many members that it's hard to tell if anyone's missing. Missing Word: Disney Animated Films. They didn't have a bunch of Marvel movies coming out every year in the '90s. What a strange time! Missing Word: Glee Cover Songs. Complete the TV Show In this game, there is a list of words present, out of which our interpreter will choose 1 random word.

The user first has to input their names and then, will be asked to guess any alphabet. If the random word contains that alphabet, it will be shown as the output with correct placement else the program will ask you to guess another alphabet.

User will be given 12 turns can be changed accordingly to guess the complete word. Below is the Python implementation: Python3. Here the user is asked to enter the name first. Function will choose one random. Previous Number guessing game in Python 3 and C. Next Python Program to implement Jumbled word game. Recommended Articles. Python Program that matches a word containing 'g' followed by one or more e's using regex. Article Contributed By :.

Many of the best word solvers have worked out human versions of computer algorithms for searching a large set of valid word possibilities dictionary x board for fitting a word into an established puzzle space. This applies to all kinds of puzzles based on scrambled letters, ranging from the daily jumble to multi-dimensional scrabble games. This type of thinking becomes extremely important when you're working on game design and usability.

Ever have someone give you a puzzle that was just impossible to crack? Even with a solver tools such as a scrabble word finder or similar word maker? Puzzle difficulty is actually a big deal for game designers.

On one hand, you want to give the audience enough of a challenge so they don't get bored. On the other, you want to avoid failure on the first pass, before someone gets invested in solving the app. Word finder tools are a mixed blessing in this environment, since they help with the latter but hurt you on the former. Sometimes the longest word isn't the best word for a jumble answer.

We've actually done studies to "calibrate" the degree of difficulty in a puzzle game. This comes from showing jumbled word or cipher puzzles to people and watching how often they are solved. Along with testing changes in the word list scrabble dictionary.

You can give the audience hints a piece of the pattern or a clue that help them get started with solving the puzzle. Remember, if you make the jumbled letters too hard they'll start using a solver tool a word finder tool. We have other tools, particularly if you are trying to find words with these letters in them. This word scramble solver shows you the word jumble solution, where you unscramble letters to make words.

If you are trying to pattern match, we have other tools beyond the jumble solver. Use it to up your scrabble game. If you are trying to guess a missing letter, check out our hangman solver. The hangman solver also works fairly well as a crossword solver if you know some of the letters pattern matching. We also have another word solver for wheel of fortune that can handle multiple words.

We're more than just a word unscrambler site, by the way. We've also got a cryptogram solving game. These puzzles are based on substitution cipher codes, where each letter has been swapped with another letter. Your job is to figure out which letter is which and decode the message. The game keeps track of how long it takes to solve each puzzle and lets you know how your score compares with others.

This article about how to solve a cryptogram may also be helpful.


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